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[Campaign Creation] Error in campaign structure

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I'm trying to put together a mini test campaign but I keep getting a CTD an error at the difficulty selection screen. Once I press Play I get a CTD and an error about my campaign structure. I've tried many different description setups but I keep getting the CTD. I've looked over other community members campaign and my description isn't much different. I've read over the BIS info on packaging a campaign but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

There's 3 missions in this mini-campaign.

Here's the most recent description file:

class MissionDefault
	lives = -1;

lost = ;
end1 = ;
end2 = ;
end3 = ;
end4 = ;
end5 = ;
end6 = ;

class Campaign
name = "ITest";
firstBattle = Intro;
disableMP = true;

class Intro
	name = "Start";
	cutscene =;
	firstMission = M0;
	end1 = ;
	end2 = ;
	end3 = ;
	end4 = ;
	end5 = ;
	end6 = ;
	lost = ;

	class M0: MissionDefault
		end1 = M1;
		end2 = M0;
		end3 = M1;
		lost = M0;
		template = @Almost_Ready_Final.Takistan;


	class M1: MissionDefault
		end1 = M2;
		end2 = M1;
		end3 = M2;
		lost = M1;
		template = @Part2_new_Arty_in.Takistan;

	class M2: MissionDefault
		end1 = ;
		end2 = M2;
		lost = M2;
		template = @ACE2_Camp_3.Zargabad;



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The only problem I can see is only a potential problem: have you tried removing the @ sign from the start of the mission folder names? Arma 2 reads that and $ as stringtable references usually. Not entirely sure that will work, but it's worth a try.

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I was gonna try that actually. I'll be back. Thanks for the quick reply.


That was the cause! Thanks again.

Edited by Manzilla

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I have been looking everywhere on how to make a campaign. I have some missions that I have made pretty similar to each other and thought it would be somthing to try out. Manzilla, you said that you found some info on packaging a campaign, do you still know where that is?

Thanks for the help!

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