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General Malaise

Overwriting BI's Units?

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I could find information about how to edit units in .cpp files, but what I can't find out is how you overwrite the loadout of the default units with your own setup rather than simply adding a unit to the game.

I'm interested in doing this because on the one hand I like to experiment at the squad level with different weapons (and re-gearing units individually takes forever in Warfare, where I usually do this) and on the other because I'm not fond of BI's kits. I've tried taking the characters_e and unpacking it, making a change and repacking it but I get a "input after end of file error" when swapping BI's version out for mine when I know there are no errors and adding it as a separate pbo file using a modfolder doesn't work for me either.

On another somewhat related question, how do you define the contents of a backpack in the .cpp file? Thanks much for any help with either.

Edited by General Malaise

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Nevermind, I figured out how to do it by unpacking ACE and digging around the files. Thanks anyway.

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