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Offline multiplayer playing/editing

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I had a problem before with not being able to play or edit multiplayer levels offline. Apperently ofp needs an active connection to create a server or client. I found a workaround for that by installing a second dialup adapter and a virtual private network adapter in my network settings. And then assingning a ip address in the tcp/ip settings. With this installed I was able to play/edit multiplayer levels offline. With this set up and I check winipcfg, I always have an active ip address-- the one I assinged. The only question I have and maybe someone else can help me out, is howcome my friend can play multiplayer levels offline but he has no active connection running. If I look in his winipcfg the ip address is --inactive-- but he can still create server/client. However I cannot unless I have an active ip adress. If I don't have the other tcp/ip settings for a assinged ip address setup and just leave it to select an automatic ip adr., then when I try to play offline, the game won't let me create a server. I have the same version game he has, the same OS he has and the same network settings he has but he can do it, I can't. It really frustrates me. I could just be happy and leave it the way I have it setup cuz it works but the only drawback is when I have the assinged ip address to my second dial up adapter for the VPN adapter, and I shutdown my PC, the PC hangs at the "shutting down windows" screen and I just have to turn off the power.

Any advice would be appreaciated.

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