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james mckenzie-smith

Assistance requested: Looping triggers, with intervals, and how to stop them?

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I would like to make a radio trigger that causes a unit to do an action looping until stopped by a second radio trigger, with a 2 second delay between actions.

In this case, the desired effect is:


Radio Alpha activated

soldierOne action ["salute", soldierOne]

// 2 seconds of no saluting

soldierOne action ["salute", soldierOne]

// 2 seconds of no saluting

soldierOne action ["salute", soldierOne]

// 2 seconds of no saluting



The whole loop would then be stopped by Radio Bravo. I have no idea how do this, to be honest, and I have searched (and learned lots of good stuff on the side!).

Could someone help this neophyte scripter? I'm being driven mental here...

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what you are looking for is global variables.

Asuming you got the anim loop.

My_variable = true;

when the above is set to true, f ex in your radio bravo trigger script, if you have a condition in the alpha radio trigger script that waits or checks for this to be true, it will respond.

Global_variable = true; // this one can be acessed by any scripts.

_Local_variable = true; // this one is only present inside its own script.

Note the _ in front of the local.

Why you would like your AI to salute then pause 2 seconds and repeat is beyond me, i asume it was just an example or you have a specific need, nontheless, you should look into while loops

// salute

run the animation in this line;

waituntil {(animationstate _unit) == "same_as_animation"};

_unit disableAI "ANIM";

waituntil {Global_variable}; // wait until radio bravo trigger global variable is true.

_unit enableAi "ANIM"; // will cause AI to finish animation.

Edit: i forgot to include the _unit in the animationstate check, but if you read the link on animationstate you would have seen that.

Anyway its corrected now.

Edited by Demonized
forgot to add in the _unit in animationstate

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