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NEWBIE...HOw to Command?

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Sorry my english..im from venezuela

Hey, Im newbie in OFP...Im playing the Sniper Team Mission...How the #### do I play it?...

I mean, how I give orders?.....my radio only have reply, or commands (target or status)..or I just start to walk and the black ops follow me?...

Please, this is the first time Im in command?...somebady give some advice....

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you can select each member in your team by pressing the function buttons. (i.e. F1 for the first member, F2 for 2nd etc) Then you will be able to issue orders such as move, engage, target, etc. Hope this helps.

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Read the replies to your last post and be also be more patient. F1 and F2, then tell then to hit the dirt and crawl all the way, then kill three Spetz natz, and crawl home.


(Edited by Projekt K at 3:54 am on Nov. 25, 2001)

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Hmmm.... Just trid the mission again and my tactics are not working. Usually snipe all the enemy then steal the tank. Well, now they're shooting me very efficiently. Can get the Spetz natz, but someone always shoots me when I got for the tank. Even when I wait a while. Strange how it changes.

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