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Console window. Demo record/replay

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I have tried to find these with search, but.. here's my thread you see :rolleyes:

So. Wouldn't it be such a great thing to have the common console window as most other games have?

There you can put settings parameters, maybe get access to mission variables in editor and so on. And by the way, the whole "game history": what launched, where connected, chat history, who when connected/disconnected - all the info should be registered and be accessible with more comfort.

What about recording demo files by player, is it so hard to implement? Not much people could or want to write massive FRAPs videos right during gaming. But quite a lot are interested to save their experience and to watch others. I'm not programmer but I guess the demos are just saved game info stream files, that's all. And then system reads the engine "text" for replay. Would be great to have the ability and built-in player.

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OMG an almost SEVEN year dig up! FFS! Read the AAR (after action review)

Please don't dig up threads that are dead and buried.

It is almost EIGHT. After action review? Stupid. I want to watch replay. Not dig up threads because you seen someone told same thing like that to someone? Stupid. What is your point? The thread question is still having no answer.


Wow... 7 years. Please check the post dates next time.

Thread locked.

8 years. I have seen the posts dates initially. It shows for how long the subject has no solution. It is still needed feature and the actual suggestion to developers. You locked thread in case posts are dated 2003. Yes, so what? BIS products are based on OFP engine (2001), nothing changed about the suggestion really. I'm just trying to say you act stupid.



Can we have record/replay in ArmA?

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I don't know if the stupid one is the one who posted in an *EIGHT* year old thread, or the one who thought it's okay to insult moderators, of the one who obviously hasn't read the forum rules.

Oh wait, are those all the same person? :rolleyes:

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Non sense things to do and to say - that what is stupid. I'm not insulting, facts do. You are not helping to discuss game related subjects. You just locking interesting thread and buzzing around "Hey you! It's stupid to call me stupid! I'm moderator here!" Stop offtopic, ban yourself. This thread is about demo playback.

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