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Script Like Zeus AI?

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I love Zues AI as it allows long range firefights. Problem is that its an addon and not a script so that means everyone needs to download it if I used it my mission:(

Is there a script similar to Zeus AI?

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Zeus runs on any AI local to the machine it's on. If you host a game, all enemy / friendly AI will be Zeus enabled either way - without everyone requiring it.

Player's squads are local to the squad leader, so if "player2" for example doesn't have Zeus, then his squad, and his squad alone will not gain the benefits.

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Wow, I didn't know that. Does this mean if I wasn't hosting and someone else was then the hoster would have to download Zeus AI? Is there a way to include it in the mission folder before pbo'ing it?


EDIT: Oh wait, are you reffering to dedicated servers only?

Edited by Guest

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Does this mean if I wasn't hosting and someone else was then the hoster would have to download Zeus AI?
Is there a way to include it in the mission folder before pbo'ing it?
No :(
EDIT: Oh wait, are you reffering to dedicated servers only?
Nope, works with any kind of server.

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