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SOM module (advanced)

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So basically I have a sandbox type mission on zargabad. I have placed Ambient Civilians(expansion)/Vehicles/Combat/Animals along with Functions/Surrendering/GarbageCollector. I have my HQ in the airfield west to zargabad and limited all ACM activity to zargabad. I have my markers set and triggers for the animals so everything works perfect in that aspect. Complete random populated city of zargabad...with animals and civilians roaming around. The minimum distance is not a viable option as it will create missions 300m WEST of zargabad instead of only to the EAST inside zargabad. I want to use all the BIS modules without any need for any crazy CPU intensive scripts or addons. Unless there is another SOM type module with the voice overs included I am dedicated to BIS's SOM. I have read every single page regarding the SOM and there is nothing about this. Can I get a reply direct from BIS regarding the ability to blacklist? Also is there any COMPLETE documentation on how to create SecOps?

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So I take it there is no way to blacklist area's? I am going to have to change my entire mission around to make up for this by;

A.) Placing my HQ in the center of zargabad and use the mosque as my starting location for the SOM. This would eliminate my problem. Not what I want to do as I want an airfield etc.

B.) Add a ridiculous ammount of triggers in the city of zargabad to create SOM missions. Definatley sounds worse than A.

C.) Use another addon to create random missions inside zargabad and reserve SOM for long range missions outside of zargabad

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