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BADLANDS: task KILL the priest

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Hi guys,

in badlands mission,

when i conquer STARY SOBOR (CFD scenario) after ROGOVO, my command call me to talk with a NAPA spy about information to kill the priest.

So, i go to spy but he is dead.

and now? Why is he dead?

Thanks for help.



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If I remember correctly, NAPA spy is waiting in your warfare base (Novy Sobor). My guess is that those crazy warfare supply truck ran him over. No sure, if you must talk to him to finish mission but you can try to go to grid 067087 to meet priest (that is spies info).

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thank you.

i was worry not finish the mission due i find the spy dead....andy i think this i s bug...

anyway, i'll go to 067087 to kill the priest!

bye bye

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If I remember correctly, NAPA spy is waiting in your warfare base (Novy Sobor). My guess is that those crazy warfare supply truck ran him over. No sure, if you must talk to him to finish mission but you can try to go to grid 067087 to meet priest (that is spies info).

caprabb said he started on CDF side so NAPA agent, dead or alive, has to be somewhere else than in Novy Sobor since it must be the only town in enemy control assuming caprabb has conquered Pogorevka before Rogovo and Stary Sobor.

Meeting the NAPA agent is probably not important since it is optional, but if priest Fyodor=Priznak is alive when Badlands ends, then NAPA troops who he leads may cause problems in Dogs of War misssion by drawing russians into fight there.

What kills NAPA agent. Yes like Ragnos said those crazy friendly trucks or that friendly tank which occasionally moves around (before enemy destroys it) may have killed NAPA agent because he is scripted to stand there and has no means to go away (I once saw that tank visiting HQ and stopping 15 meters away from NAPA agent).

Edited by Hanzu

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Hanzu is right. I missed that you posted that you started on CDF side, so your warfare base in different town. Also consider his suggestion about impact of killing (or not killing) Pryzrak.

I played on NAPA side so I'm curious. Did you found priest (Pryzrak) on grid I posted?

Edited by Ragnos

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Hanzu, if i remember it correctly. If you play as CDF the Napa agent will be outside a house on the route to the priest. I think somewhere along the road between Stary Sobor and Vyshnoye

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Ok thanks I was curious about that as well. So it must be the small sawmill north of Visnoye in either case no matter if you start with CDF or NAPA.

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