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Is it possible to disable radio voices at server level?

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Originally Posted by FDGNukeOZ

I feel I have been hacked in game with some one using a voice over hack.

While in game on our server we experienced a voice over that sounds like a very low pitched and slow grumble almost like a pig or boar sound.

We where having a great game until this started.

As an Admin I attempted to kick the player but it seems he was a ghost as I could not see him and when the sound started it did not show on screen.

Most of my members use TS however some use voice in game as well as players that join.

Is there a way of turning of voice in game at server level?

I would rather al players join our TS so we could then regulate them..

May I just reply as It seems that I have had my post closed for no reason..

I asked a simple question and I would have hoped for a simple reply but it seems that as you closed my post this is not so..

I have many game servers of which we have many game hackers that feel its their duty to upset fair dinkum gamers while enjoying there gaming.

Mu question was a simple one is this a hack or not?

I expected at the lest a simple answer yes or no.

Also I expected an answer that would help me make sure that this does not effect our game play but you seem to think that I just want to kick players..( Which Is not right )

If a member of your forum cannot ask questions with out being shut down then whats the use of this forum..

Not Happy Jane...

Regards Nuke

Thats a bug with A.I. voices and not a HACKING ATTEMPT. But go on in kicking players for game bugs, that will make you loads of new friends.


System Specs:

Windows XP 32 SP3

AMD Athlon64 X2 6000+ (3,1Ghz)

RAM 2x 1024mb MDT PC800 dual channel mode

Mainboard MSI K9N Neo-F V2

Onboard sound Realtek AC'97

Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 4870 Vapor-X 1GB

Catalyst 10.11

DirectX 9.29

Saitek X52 Pro with Pro Flight Pedals

Edited by Zipper5

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Your thread was not closed for no reason; your original question was answered: it is not a hack, it is a game bug. Why did the thread need to remain opened? Furthermore, why did you start another thread with the exact same thread title? Just to further mislead people? Next time, rather than spamming the forums, contact any moderator via PM asking for it to be re-opened, with a sufficient reason for doing so.

As to your new question, you can only disable radio sounds via mods. I believe ACE2 has a feature to do that, which if I recall correctly is enabled by default. I believe it is client-side only, but I think that needs confirmation.

Edit: Thread title changed to something more appropriate.

Edited by Zipper5
Title changed

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At no time did I suggest that I was kicking players, I couldnt even find the player to kick so why was this not answered correctly...If we work together then we can only have a better gaming community..

Still not happy jane,,

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Thats a bug with A.I. voices and not a HACKING ATTEMPT.
That is a game bug, not a "hack".

What do you mean your question wasn't answered?

Edit: Upon further investigation of your original post I see that you had two questions, not one, and for that I apologize as your second question was not answered. I should have left your thread opened, and that was entirely my fault. Still, in the future, could you please just contact me or any other moderator explaining the situation and having them unlock it, as would have definitely happened if you had made this clear to them.

Once more, I apologize.

Edited by Zipper5

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It seems to me that you have decided to take the aggressive attack.

If my question was answered as per your last post then we would not be chatting..

Again I say my question was simple and needed a sinple reply not as you and the others put it " if you kick players then you will make no friends"

I haven't and will not kick unless I have proof, I simply asked if there is a way of fixing this..Thats all ..end of topic.....

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Is there a way of turning of voice in game at server level?

I would rather al players join our TS so we could then regulate them..


But, that does not stop the "ghostly chat".

You can test the bug yourself though, shoot an AI team member, you will hear the "ghostly" chat, and you can read what it is saying in the game.

Edited by SWAT_BigBear

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