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Attach camera to vehicle need help!

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Hello everyone,

recently i've been scripting some stuff just for few tests.

Now i DID made it to attach a camera to a vehicle, but when the A10 banking right or left, the camera doesn't rotates with it... how do you script so the camera will be literally be attached for example to the one of the wings, tail, gear...

like so

Thank you for all helpers! :yay:

this is the code i used...:

ShowCinemaborder false;

_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]


;=== 15:42:03

_camera camSetTarget a10_1

_camera camSetPos [0,0,0]

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.512

_camera camCommitPrepared 0

@camCommitted _camera

goto "loop"

Edited by D.Ginzbourg
was too tired and wrote everything wrong.

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And how do i make the camera look a bit above the plane and not to the center of it? Or even free to move like in the video above.

Edited by D.Ginzbourg

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People probably aren't answering cause it's been answered before in this section.

In case you haven't check some of these threads, I searched for "attach camera" and here's the results.

Good luck.



Here's what I use and it works just fine, regardless of whether the plane turns.

_camera camsettarget c1301;
_camera camsetrelpos [15, 0, 0];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700
_camera camCommit 1
@camCommitted _camera
? c1301 distance Tripod1 <= 100: goto "next scene"
goto "Loop0"

# next scene

And playing with these numbers will tweak where the camera is fixed/offset relative to the target:

_camera camsetrelpos [15, 0, 0];
Edited by Manzilla

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