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Stuck while wounded, can't teamswitch or ESC

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I'm running Combined Operations, using the 3 first aid modules, respawn is set to side so if you die you can take control of another soldier and continue the fight. All works well most of the time. But occasionally, like today, you get wounded and lose the ability to teamswitch, or use any keyboard commands. ESC won't work and you are just stuck there squirming around on the ground. So the only thing you can do is ALT TAB out and end task on ARMA and restart the whole program. Very annoying. I think it might only happen when the whole team is wounded. Today I was testing the mission in the editor and the team was riding in a Bradley and got hit by an RPG, everyone bailed out, all bleeding. And I was stuck there wounded.

So, my question is: Is this a bug, or do I need to set something up differently when I create my MP Missions?


Edited by Deathcon5

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