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Want to make black Hummv

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I'm trying to figure out where the file is I need to edit in photoshop is located, and what to convert it to and where to put it. Also where and if there is a script I need to rename the texture to the custom one I made. I have done this once before in arma 1, but im rusty any help would be aprechiated.

ps: what files do i need to put into the addon folder before I binarize it?

Also I cant seem to get textures to be previewable in visitor 3, can you run bulldozer in there if so how? When i have this object selected and i try to preview the textures by double click them nothing happens.

Edited by Reedtech
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I guess to simplify my question, I would like to retexture the hummv black, how do I go about doing so?

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well first your you need to open the pbo file and exstract the textures and model then create a empty file and paste the textures and model into that new folder then for any locked model(which all a2\oa models are) you are going to need a program to edit the texture paths, to make the textures you have re-textured... load into the model you pasted into your new folder. for that i would use this http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm

then for me after i figure out what textures i need, then hex-edit them to the new model and set that new folder up to match the new texture paths, i would then work on actually texturing the textures you need and how you want them(in your case, you want then black instead of camo\tan). for that you can use photoshop or any other program that supports arma2 textures.

then you need to create or edit a already made configuration file(config.cpp) to make your new addon work ingame, but im not too strong in the configuration department, but its best to use the exsisting config file for the hmmwv(you need to unlock that too in this case, just DL the bis tools..it contains the need program).

then convert the folder to a pbo file(again thats too is in the bis tools pack). then place ingame and your good to go! but im not too good at explaining things so im sure i probly made you more confused as to what you need and what you need to do, so im sure someone can explain better, plus im very tired lol...just figured i'd put my 2cents in! good luck and if you got questions ill try my best to help you figure it out!


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