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Plese help me

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ok, basicly, i'm playing around wiht the eidtor and can't figr this out, i ahve 3 PBRs coming in for a beach assullt, how do i tell the units to get out of the boat when the rech the waypoint at the beach ? i need a simple way to do this, preferibliy without scripting untill i get a better grasp on the mission editor. thks

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yea, i looked there and i plan to do much more reading there in the future, but i couldn't find it, so i thot id ask here

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use getout or transport unload waypoint..i would usually use script for these kinda things....

i used to be in your situation too, so don't worry. you'll learn sooner or later..just hang in there!

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ok, first, give each PBR a name, lets say they're boat1 boat2 and boat3. Now place your PBRs in the water somewhere and put your soldiers next to them (Yes in the water). Now, for each soldier, in his initialization field, put: this in (boatname). So for example:

this in boat1

this in boat2

You can copy/paste (Ctrl+c to copy, Ctrl+v to paste). Now make sure that the passengers in each boat are in their own group, so that the passengers in boat1 are not only in the same group, but not with any of the group members in boat2 or 3. Now for boat1, put a MOVE waypoint where you want the boat to shore, then for the passengers in the boat put a MOVE waypoint at the same spot, then, put a GET OUT waypoint for the passengers, and put a TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint for the boat. Now, select synchronize from the top of the screen and drag a line from the GET OUT waypoint to the TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint. Repeat for each boat and you're done, you can put waypoints after those waypoints, so if you want the boat to let everyone off, then drive away.

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i used the transport unload and it worked, kinda, worked well enough for my troops to get out, but the insertion takes forever, they'd be all torn apart if it took that long IRL, now i'm not sure how to control the squads once they are on the ground, i'll do more reading tomarrow. anyways, thks for your help. smile.gif

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