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Deactivate trigger, IED

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Hey guys..

Ive searched and searched before posting this so im sorry in advance if there is such a topic elsewhere..

Here is the basic IED wich I am working with


BAF IED4 named IED4

Trigger 1.

Axis 3

Condition: this && !(thislist select 0 isKindOf "Air")

On Act: bomb = "Sh_105_HE" createvehicle [(getPos ied4 select 0),( getpos ied 4 select 1),0.5]

Effect. "Text" Contact IED

Trigger 2.

Axis 5

Condition: this && !(thislist select 0 isKindOf "Air")

Effect: "text" Vallon is responding.

The idea is that if you walk slow enough the Vallon (Minedetector) will pick it up and you can avoid it. but to fast you walk straight in to it.

My question having said all this is i want to be able to deactivate the IED by placing a satchel, C4 what ever close to it (in the area of trigger 2)

is this possible?

Thank you in advance....

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Not sure if this is of any use to you but I did a similar sort of thing here where the mines could be detected by vehicles only and could only be avoided if you were going slow enough. Basically a sort of vechile/minesweeper. Anyhow there maybe of something of help to you here


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you can try to use speedmode to check what speed your player is going


so for ex. you can make a simple script that checks how fast someone is going

howfast = speedmode player

then make 3 triggers, in the one where the explosion occurs in the condition line you could try:


condition: howfast = "normal"

act: explode bomb


condition: howfast = "full"

act: explode bomb


condition: howfast = "limited"

act: bomb does nothing

this is my best guess of going about it. however im not sure if triggers accept conditions that involve comparing strings, so you may need to create a script that does this and then create another variable that will return true or false if someone is going to fast towards the bomb.

also note that you cant do howfast = full AND howfast = normal or howfast = full OR howfast = normal in the condition line of a trigger, apparently in can only accept one condition, it cannot check for 2 conditions (atleast for me it cant)

see if this can work, its only an outline tho, but try it out

Edited by Igneous01

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Hey again thanks for the answers. Its not quite what im looking for but i am sure that i can use these things in a future mission...

But i wanted to know how i can deactivate the Ied trigger if the IED was destroyed:

I will explain.. I have the BAF ied and a trigger who together works as a IED that explodes. But if the Ied is removed, blown away, shot or whatever. The trigger wich haves the IED command is then deactivated or gets activated and blows up without anyone being in it... is this possible with my current set up?

Sorry if its confusing the way it is explained... :)

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yes im pretty sure you can -

if u want to check if its been moved then you can use something like:

_iedx = position IED select 0

_iedy = position IED select 1

_iedz = position IED select 2

waitUntil {_iedx1 = position IED select 0, _iedy1 = position IED select 1, _iedz1 = position IED select 2, _iedx != _iedx1 || _iedy != _iedy1 || _iedz != _iedz1}

==insert code here==

thats to check if it has moved from its original location.

to check if its been destroyed, in condition of trigger put

alive IED

this way it wont detonate unless the bombs alive

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The lack of use of code tags in this thread makes Baby Jeebus cry.

i cant find the dam code tags on the top... and i forgot the syntax for it....

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Either type [ code] and [/ code] without the space in them or click the "Go advanced".

---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------

How about this?


It has example of both removal by blowing up a satchel and defuse by EOD guy (you can define what soldier classes can do it).

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which script BIS used for the PMC mission to deactivate ieds?

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which script BIS used for the PMC mission to deactivate ieds?

Since we can't open the PBOs, no idea really, but it seems to be a simple

!alive IED && IED distance player < 10

type thing since shooting it or getting close to it sets it off. Never did actually "deactivate" it.

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