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MG not working

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Hi, i have a problem. When i postion a mg on a tower of a FOB it wont shoot at the enemy. It just stands and dies. Any suggestions?

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Are you sure the unit has a firing solution? (Does it actually 'see' the enemy, and is it able to rotate and use elevation?)

To test, without any kind of a script, you can group yourself to the MG, to see if it spots the enemy. If it does, and still never fires, then it cannot. Of course, even if it does spot, it may be killed before it 'knows' the enemy is in range.

Anyway, if you keep setting up static MG's, you will notice that they are usually the first to die, especially the one standing up. This is even when you use barricades of some kind.

Well, test the above first, and see what happens.

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