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Paradrop produces empty chutes in MP

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I use this script for ejecting opfor dudes in a MP mission:

// Eject Group from Aircraft
// [[grp1,grp2,grp3],vehicle] execVM "veh_eject.sqf"

private ["_grp","_grps","_veh","_dude", "_i", "_j"];

_grps = _this select 0;	//an array of named groups...
_veh = _this select 1;	//the named aircraft to use

for [{_i=0},{_i<count _grps},{_i=_i+1}] do {
_grp = _grps select _i;
for [{_j=0},{_j<count units _grp},{_j=_j+1}] do {
	_dude = units _grp select _j;
	UnAssignVehicle _dude;
	_dude action ["EJECT", _veh];
	sleep 0.5 + (random 0.5)

The trigger for my waypoint is in there.

This did work perfectly in preview - but in mp it makes empty chutes x number of players. So when me and my buddy tested it there were 14 soldiers (correct) but like 28 chutes (wrong).

Any ideas?

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Is it possible to use the isServer command for the above script? If so - do I just put it at the start?

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