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Initial Spawn

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Don't know if this belongs here or configs forum, but I think here.

Hey all,

I didn’t want to inherit from Utes so my config looks in-part like this:

class DefaultWorld{};

class CAWorld : DefaultWorld


class Grid{};

class DefaultClutter;

class EnvSounds;


class Haadur: CAWorld

But now when I start the Armory I get dumped into the sea, instantly respawn on land (usually as civilian woman in a dress) and then am usually insulted with a challenge that “Troops need to be transported…â€

The log shows this error:

Error in expression <"FLY"] ;




LIB_curObj = _class createVehicle _posTryout;



Error position: <createVehicle _posTryout;



Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected

File ca\missions\armory\data\scripts\functions\respawn.sqf, line 113

Error in expression <_charType = _class;



_unit = _grp createUnit [_charType, _posTryout, [], 0>

Error position: <createUnit [_charType, _posTryout, [], 0>

Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected

File ca\missions\armory\data\scripts\functions\respawn.sqf, line 47

It acts like I'm missing my seagullpos but I've got this in my config as well:

centerPosition[] = {20480,20480,300};

seagullPos[] = {2720,2462,300};

ilsPosition[] = {5250.5,10993.5};

ilsDirection[] = {-0.7071,0.08,-0.7071};

ilsTaxiOff[] = {5554.5,11297.5,6035,11778,6055.5,11785.5,6075,11780,6117.5,11737.5,6124.5,11716,6113,11700,5851,11438.5};

ilsTaxiIn[] = {5851,11438.5,5342.5,10929.5,5322.5,10925.5,5306.5,10936.5,5269,10974,5261,10991,5264.5,11007.5,5278,11021.5};

I've made no changes to any scripts, just removed the Utes inheritance from the sample configs I've been studying.

Must I inherit from Utes? Or can anyone explain how I might fix this?

Sincere Thanks as always

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Armory is world-dependant - mostly...

Not sure if anyone has actually configged their island for custom Armory use as yet, though BIS did publish instructions...

Best read This Wiki Page on Armory Configuration fairly closely...

... and if you get it all working, a walk-thru post would be most welcome! ;)


Edited by Bushlurker

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A gentleman and a scholar as always Bushlurker. Thanks. Rest asured that when I have any knowledge to give back to the community, I certainly will. I haven't done much with the Armory, but was able to determine my problem was that the following was missing (yet necessary) from my island class in cfgWorlds:

safePositionAnchor[] = {2720,2462}; //2720 and 2462 are my values, yours will likely be different

safePositionRadius = 2000; //2000 is the radius that works for me, yours will likely be different

Edited by JR_Walker

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