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Multiplayer Mission Editor, couldn't find what I was looking for.

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Is it possible to edit the standard multiplayer missions that come with the game?

For example, I'd like to alter missions such as "Superpowers, Mountain Warfare" etc in order to allow a wider variety of weapons to become available from barracks, or to alter what class the starting group leaders are, or to include custom vehicles and custom classes (such as Canadian Armed Forces.)

Can anyone help me out on this?

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Look here for the tools you need mate.....

Community Tools

You need to de-PBO the mission...then copy it into your mission folder and then you can edit in the editor.....and also edit the scripts if you are capable.

I use Eliteness and PboView.

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Alright, thanks a ton. I ended up using ArmaUnPBO, i found it simpler to use. I've extracted the scenarios I wanted (War Welcome, Superpowers, and When Diplomacy Fails) except for the Mountain warfare ones, which sadly were nowhere to be found.

The next question I would have, is how would I access the scripting files? Or should I just consult the editting wiki?

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Glad to help mate. Use whatever works for you. I guess I only tried a few and ended up using those two.

The scripting question is a biggie!

That's going to take a lot of dedication, pulling of hair, gnashing of teeth...domestic violence....the whole nine yards mate! LOL!

Read the scripts...try to understand what they do. Try to identify things in the code and change the values....test. Keep changing values and testing until you get a handle on what's going on.

Get a good Text Editor.....everything is text! A lot of people use notePad+ I believe. I use TextPad. Eventually the code will begin to make sense....and you will begin to become adventurous.

Yeah mate....the wiki is good. These forums are a great source of ideas, code and help also.

The commands can be daunting....but pick and choose what you learn as you go.

There's a lot stuff to be found here also at OFPEC


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I'm actually having an issue right now. I could unpack the PGO, but I can't re-pack it into something that can be used as a MP mission. What am I missing?

Sorry for being a bother, really appreciate how helpful you are to a whiny newbie.

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No bother man...You should be able to re-pack it with Eliteness.... or you can install the BIS Tools (biggish install). There's some PBO tools in there.

Easy way :-

You can also save the mission from the editor as a Multiplayer mission. When you go to save it use "Export to multiplayer missions" ... instead of "User mission".

It will end up in your Arma2\MPMissions folder.

Edited by twirly

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