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Entered vehicle return info.

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I am looking for the command that returns what vehicle a player had just entered. e.g.

if (vehicle player in MH6) then 
          {hint "This is a MH6!";
           hint "this is not a MH6!";


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Try this mate....

In the editor....place a soldier (player). Place an empty MH-6J.

Create a script...here it's called myscript.sqf....and put it in your mission folder :-

"myscript.sqf" .....

while {true} do {
   if (vehicle player [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isKindOf"]isKindOf[/url] "MH6J_EP1") then {
       hintsilent "This is an MH6";
   } else {
       hintsilent "This is not an MH6";
   sleep 1;

To call the script put this code in the players Init field:-

nul = [] execVM "myscript.sqf";

Get in the chopper to see the hint change.

There are other ways to do this....but this is following what you have there.

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Thanks for the reply twirly, I will try that however I did find in a script of Mondos Winch that worked perfect!

_mh6 = _this select 0;
_unit = _this select 1;
_vec = _this select 2;
_vectype = typeof _vec;

_doexit = 1;
if(_vectype == "MH6") then { _doexit = 1; };
if(_doexit == 1) exitWith {};

Again Thanks!

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