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Veryvery small cutscene prob...

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I'm putting a cut scene directly at the start of a mission. Now there is just a very very small problem. For just a split second before the camera and fade-in script gets a chance to start it shows your guy. Its not really that big of a deal but kinda makes it look a little unfinished. Was just wondering if there was a way around this.

Thanks for any respons dudes wink.gif

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You say a fade in script, is this a scipt for the entire camerascript? Or is it just for fade in?

It depends on how the script is called up. You can use the file called init.sqs to fade in. This file will set the initial conditions of the mission at the start. Thats what BIS use to fade in at the start of missions.

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Well i'm actually having a fade in and then a short camera scene.

So all I have to do is make an init.sqs and put the camera stuff in there and it should do that first?Or does it only work with just the fade?

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Works with any command, camera, unit aninmations, almost everything. Just like a normal script, it's just because it's called init.sqs the mission will load that script straight away.

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Hey cool, thanks a lot bud!

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