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Problems with addons in Multiplayer

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Soooo.....I got two copies of GOTY OFP, two computers....why not right? I installed OFP, installed FFUR and then hooked the two computers up via an ethernet cable. No problems intially however, when I started using third party addons (such as LSR's seals), I got warnings that certain .pbo's were missing. The problem is that I know that each computer has the same .pbos yet I still get these messages. The missions still run with no problems, however I would like to get the messages to disappear.

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That would be a fault in the mission design. If the mission would have those addOns that are giving errors listed in the mission.sqm in the following lines:

	"addons here",
	"and more"
	"addons here",
	"and more"

...the errors wouldn't appear then.

But it's just a minor issue and since the mission runs all fine despite that message, it shouldn't be too necessary to fix it.

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