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Satchel activating trigger

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Is there a way to make trigger activated as you put a satchel charge on the ground? Not dropping it, but through the action menu; planting it.

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Fired eventhandler might be a better solution than a trigger.

this addEventHandler ["fired",{ 
if ((_this select 2) == "Pipebombmuzzle") then { _nil = [] execVM "playRunMusic.sqf" } 

Edited by kylania

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EDIT: you beat me :)

I swear this place has the best support!

So that would be in the init.sqf like:

_expPlaced = player addEventHandler ["AnimDone", {exec "playRunMusic.sqf"}]

ok, so I found here:


these that might be it:

PutDown = "";

PutDownEnd = "";

and animDone should be done like this:

[unit, anim] > [player, PutDownEnd]

But how is this all combined? Like this:

_expPlaced = player addEventHandler ["AnimDone", {exec [player, PutDownEnd]"playRunMusic.sqf"}]

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Updated my example to include your script. Remember, SQF functions are run by the execVM command. :) exec is only used for SQS scripts of yore.

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Yes, you can do it in the init.sqf just like Kylania said:

player addEventHandler ["fired",{if ((_this select 2) == "Pipebombmuzzle") then { _nil = [] execVM "playRunMusic.sqf" } }];


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