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AI Aircraft/helicopter Squads in Arma 2 warfare?

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First time posting in this forums so I'm unsure where to ask this,

Is it possible to have the AI purchase and use Helicopters in Warfare mode for Arma 2?

Edit: I found some info on the Arma 1 section of the forums that mention how to add helicopter squads in Arma 1 but, there are missing/different files which aren't applicable for arma 2

Here is the link that I found... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=69231

Edited by Lemonwire

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AFAIK if you're the commander you'll have to purcase the heli yourself and then "give" the heli to another squad.

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AFAIK if you're the commander you'll have to purcase the heli yourself and then "give" the heli to another squad.

I meant with scripting so the AI does it by itself. Anyway, I should have posted this question in the editing section, my mistake.

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