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seizing places

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i have been wanting to create a mission where you have to take certain stragic places over the city and one you capture all of them with no enemy soldiers with in 100m of the zone then you win.

I have tryed using the triggers i.e.

activation "seized by bluefor"
Present, repeatdly
On Activation: Trigger_one =true;

and then i created another trigger

 Activation: Trigger_one;
On Act End 1

however i have put an opfor soldier in it and its is still counting it as being seized any ideas which could help me

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The seized by trigger works by checking who is stronger than the other. It also uses the min, max and that other value to how long they must maintain a stronger presence.

Say an opfor controlled town has 20 soldiers. You attack and have 21 soldier. Assuming nobody dies the time it takes in order to trigger (seized by blufor) will lie near the max value.

If opfor only has 2 soldiers when you have 20 soldiers it will take near the minimum time before the trigger activates.

In your example you say you only inserted 1 enemy? Well if you have an entire squad and the timings is 0,0,0 then the trigger activates almost immediately.

See: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor#Activation

Perhaps you're looking for a Opfor NOT Present trigger?

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Two things, Seized by just means "We're pretty sure we're gonna win", so if you have just one OPFOR guy there, there's no challenge and your BLUFOR forces will probably think they've seized it. If you want no enemy left at all use OPFOR - Not Present

Also, you don't need the second trigger to end the mission just change the first trigger to Type = End1. Now, that'll end it as soon as the trigger is activated (as will your example) so you might want o have a 2nd trigger on a countdown of 5-10 seconds which checks for:

triggerActivated myOtherTrigger

and have that one be the End1 Type. So you finish the last guy off, maybe get a message from the first trigger saying so, then a few second later your mission ends rather than shoot-DONE.

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