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Capturing units with Surrender modules and ACE 1.5

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I'm making a mission where the players must capture a few militia leaders. They have no weapon , so with the Surrender modules they often surrender if follow them when they flee. Or player can force them them surrender using the ACE handcuff.

But What I'd like is that once surrenderd the IA have an action added that allow them to join the player's group.

But How can I detect that an unit has surrenderd ?

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I believe that surrendering units always play the same surrender animation, so you could detect whether or not they have done this using the animationState command.

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Thanks to both of you, but these solution didn't fit my need , I create a little script that allow to the prisonner to join the player group. But I still have got an issue, the prisonner can't move , He just stays put , any ideas ?.


_POW= _this select 0;

While{Alive _Pow}do{

While{side _POW != civilian && Alive _pow }do{

sleep 5;


sleep 1;

_Act = _POW addAction ["Follow me !", "Joinplayer.sqf",[] , 100, true, false, "", ""];

While{side _POW == civilian && Alive _pow }do{

sleep 5;


_Pow removeaction _Act;



_POW = _this select 0;

_Capturer = _this select 1;

_id = _this select 2;

_Grp = group _Capturer;

[_POW] join _Grp;

_Pow removeaction _id;

_POW enableAI "MOVE";

[_POW] allowGetIn true;

EDIT:modified Joinplayer.sqf, this time it works.

Edited by luckyhendrix

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