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Make unit use launcher instead of gun

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I was wondering if there was a way to make a unit use his rpg launcher or whatever to blow up something without using waypoint(destroy). I was hoping to use scripting so that i can time it out with certain events.

When i use "commandfire" or "dofire" they only use thier guns...

And I can only seem to use "fire" with things you throw like smokeshells.

     If i do this the unit just looks all retarded...

     unit fire ["RPGLauncher","RPGLauncher"]

Also i notice that when you use "fire" with smokeshells you put "throw" -

     unit fire ["throw","smokeshellgreen","smokeshellgreen"]

So is there a SHOOT or FIRE type command to put in replace of THROW when you use weapons for the "fire" command?

Or is there any kind of detstroy command that would have the same effect as the waypoint(destroy)?

Thanks for any help dudes! wink.gif

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You can use

unitname DoTarget targetname

but it will have to be something like a tank or armoured vehicle for him to use AT weapons. When the command is given he should switch to the AT weapons.

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Thanks dude...I kinda solved my problem though

I did some looking around and found out what to put where it says "throw" , its the muzzle name, and for rpglauncher it equals "rpg". So it should work to use "fire" now..

But when you use "dotarget", do you then have to order him to use his weapon or should he automatically use it, when I used "dotarget" the unit kept facing the direction of the other unit but didnt fire... I suppose that may be because the vehicle is "empty" instead of "east" or "west".

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