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JSF 223 Havoc

Dedicated Server-Uploading User created Missions

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Our Milsim team recently started up a dedicated server. We have uploaded some community created missions and they work fine. The issue we are having is ones that we create. So far I have packed the mission files into a .pbo. Placed that .pbo into the mpmission folder on the server. Then tried to run it from my computer and it does the vote timer thing and it runs down to zero and then nothing. Is there anything I need to add to the mission file prior to packing the mission file into a .pbo or is there something way different. I have googled and searched all the forums and I seem to not find anything relating to this.

Any help or point to the right direction will be appreciated.

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Are you using any mods when you make the missions?

If so they need to be on the server to.:)

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