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RUN as Adminstrator stopped me crashing

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After I followed all nvidia card requirements thread it didn't work and I was quite sad, but then I decided to try compatability mode but I thought nah I will just try run as admin and it worked no more crashing now. Hope this helps for all of you :)

---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 PM ----------

The crashes was the one where it goes to desktop and says ARMA 2 Operation arrowhead stopped working

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Bloody hell, it worked for me too if run as admin in xp 32 bit

What is going on lol


Guys try playing with your advanced memory settings

under admin ur video settings are probably different which is probably why ur running fine

read here for more info on how i solved my profile crashes to desktop when not running ARMA2 OA as admin http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=104495

Edited by vasmkd

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didn't quite work for me, all these crashes are just ruining the game experience

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U could also try a registry cleaner, these programs can fix issues at times, especially if ur system crashes alot and it will put ur pc back to fresh OS install speeds

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