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player name in intro text not appearing

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ok, so i have the intro camera panning in to each player in my 6 man coop mission and im trying to get their name to appear on the screen, but after searching for like 8 hours i was only able to find an example from the armed assault editing guide - by mr.murray.

when it pans in on the leader of the 6 man coop team, i want it to say something like... Team leader: JoeShmoe

I named each player to be soldier1, soldier2, soldier3 etc. This is what I have for when it pans in close on the soldier1:

_camera camSetTarget soldier1
_camera camsetrelPos [0,1.5,1.5]
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700
_camera camCommitPrepared 1
@camCommitted _camera
hint composeText [parsetext format["<t size='1.2' align='center' color='#ff0000'>Team Leader %1</t>", name player]];

the part...

hint composeText [parsetext format["<t size='1.2' align='center' color='#ff0000'>Team Leader %1</t>", name player]];

... is what copied right out of mr.murrays editing guide, but it's not working correctly, probably because it won't working in in arma2, idk. The "ding" sound works, but not the text.

so my question is... what do i put there to make it work so it grabs the actual player name and throws it up on the screen? Or maybe point me in the direction of an "arma2" tutorial that explains how to do this. thanks in advance.

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How about:

cuttext [format ["Team Leader %1",name (leader group player)],"PLAIN DOWN",1];

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it almost worked. it panned in and displayed the centered white text: "Team Leader Error: No Vehicle"

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Hmm, weird. Well, you can try: name soldier1, but that means you have to have someone play that unit every time.

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nope, doesn't work. a bunch of errors at the top of the screen that time. im still searching everywhere for any information on how to get this to work and i'm having no luck at all. I really appreaciate your help so far.

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How about:

cuttext [format ["Team Leader %1",name [color=Red](leader group player)[/color]],"PLAIN DOWN",1];

In multiplayer "player" is local to each single player and points to another unit and variable maybe not initalized at this time.

So what about using the VariableNames of the Units ?

cuttext [format ["Unit Name: %1",name [color=SeaGreen]soldier1[/color]],"PLAIN DOWN",1];

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Well, you can try: name soldier1
nope, doesn't work.
cuttext [format ["Unit Name: %1",name soldier1],"PLAIN DOWN",1];
it worked.


In multiplayer "player" is local to each single player and points to another unit and variable maybe not initalized at this time.

Well, in MP mission, by the time you get into the intro, all clients (players) should have their units assigned already.

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You only wrote "Use soldier1"...

.. I give him the detailed example.... :p

But yes... such things are funny!

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