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[Open Beta] Dynamic Control (onSingleMapClick-based multiple-squads interface)

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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to pick up at the whole scripting scene in Operation Flashpoint and here is my attempt at making a onSingleMapClick-command interface. I believe there are many script sets of this kind; so I'm definitely not going to proclaim that mine is best. ;)

However, what I am unaware of is the existance of such a script that has:

  • A generic approach;
  • Multiplayer compatibility;
  • Support up to 10 individual 'commanders'.

My inability to find such a script inspired to make this thing. As I said before, I'm probably just reinventing the wheel all over again, but it's also just about having fun with scripting. :)


I was wondering if anyone could give me some feedback on this. :)

This is a open test release for my 'Dynamic Control' script. I'm releasing this "as is" for now. 

### Commander definition ###

Commanders require the following initialization line (# is player number, ranging from 1 to 10):
cmd_p# = group this; this addaction ["Command System", "commandscript.sqs"]

Once a commander dies, the next squad member in command will be able to take over.

### Group ID handling ###

Units belonging to a certain commander (in this case player 1) require the following ID definition in their 

initialization lines (# is group number, once again ranging from 1 to 10):
cmd_p1_inf# = group this;
cmd_p1_mechinf# = group this;
cmd_p1_lighttank# = group this;
cmd_p1_heavytank# = group this;
cmd_p1_gunship# = group this;
cmd_p1_support# = group this;
cmd_p1_ambulance# = group this;
cmd_p1_custom1_# = group this;
cmd_p1_custom2_# = group this;
cmd_p1_custom3_# = group this;
cmd_p1_custom4_# = group this;
cmd_p1_custom5_# = group this;
cmd_p1_custom6_# = group this;

The different names help identifying the squad in the control dialog. Example: 'cmd_p2_inf1' will be displayed 

in the command interface of player two as "Infantry 2".

The custom labels can be set by providing their respective variable names with corresponding strings. For 

cmd_custom1_label = "VIP";
cmd_custom2_label = "Special Convoy";
cmd_custom3_label = "General Guba";

### Tracking markers ###

Tracking markers are defined as follows:

'cmd_p1_inf1' will be tracked by the marker named 'cmd_p1_inf1_ref'.

Edited by HighWire

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I like the custom labels. have you tested the script with air power picking up troops, deploying troops via chopper with this thing?

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There is one tiny bug with the LOAD command. Find the trigger that uses cmd_squad_unload and change it's ON ACTIVATION field from this:

expActiv="[""MOUNTORDER"", cmd_squad_unload, false] exec ""behaviour.sqs""; cmd_squad_load = null;";

to this:

expActiv="[""MOUNTORDER"", cmd_squad_unload, false] exec ""behaviour.sqs""; cmd_squad_unload = null;";

I like the custom labels. have you tested the script with air power picking up troops, deploying troops via chopper with this thing?

That *should* be possible under the following conditions afaik:

  • The chopper and the squad are two independent 'controllable groups';
  • All squad members are assigned as cargo to the chopper;
  • Ordering the squad to get in or out of the chopper can be issued by using the LOAD and UNLOAD commands.

As for custom labels... Yeah, I'm very fond of them and I already find myself using those a lot more than the standard ones. Right now there is room for six custom labels but I'll crank that up a bit.

I did a little test drive on this script and I'm pleased to report that multiplayer works. It could use some more intensive testing but as far as I'm concerned it pretty much works. Seeing a enormous set of infantry and tanks moving towards one position knowing that only three human players put it in motion gives me a good kick. :)

Now there is only one thing left to do, and that is a decent respawn/'controllable group'-inheritance system. I'll post an updated version soon. :)

Nice, I surely will try this on my quicks coops :D

Soon I will add some feedback

If it suits your mission needs, I'll be happy to support you. I'm looking forward to your feedback! :)

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