SmallMilitaryEncounter Generator
A dynamic mission for ARMA3 that generates small military encounters.
The intent of the mission is to have something similiar to an Domination / Invade & Annex type COOP missions, but in a smaler and more infantry focused scope.
And have a mission that is easily customize able, at least in my opinion. Most things you may want to change can be found in the files under config/.
Also the mission is build from scratch and not a derivative of some other mission existing.
I hope that most of the stuff works quite stable, but the mission didn't have very much "stress-testing" or balancing. This is also a reason why I relase it here, gather some feedback/criticism.
You can follow further development via GitHub.
- default Enemy Faction: CSAT
- default Player Faction: NATO
- default Enemy Faction: CUP NAPA
- default Player Faction: CUP USMC
- default Enemy Faction: CUP Takistan Army
- default Player Faction: CUP US Army
- default Enemy Faction: IFA3 Soviet Forces
- default Player Faction: IFA3 Wehrmacht
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Changelog V.050
Mission Parameters
select the enemy faction
select a reward set
select the amount of simultaneous mission sites
select the AI skill level ( militia / regular / special forces ( for details check T8/config.hpp ))
select if you want to keep your gear after respawning
select if you want vehicle patrols between objectives
Available tasks
Currently there are 4 types of mission-sites with different tasks available. There is always a set of tasks available. If those tasks are finished a cleanup will happen and a new set of tasks will be generated. All sites on which tasks are spawned are currated in the config files!
clear occupied town
destroy 2 mortars
destroy 2 resupply vehicles
kill HVT and his Guards
gather INTEL from HVT
Military Bases
clear occupied base
destroy 2 mortars
destroy 2 resupply vehicles
kill HVT and his Guards
collect INTEL from HVT
destroy broken down convoy
clear road block / checkpoint
IED site: clear IEDs or gather INTEL
destroy communication base (radiotower)
recover UGV and return it to base (stomper)
download INTEL in a compound
Player Gear
A player ranks up with every succesfully completed task. With every new rank the player will get acces to more, better gear in the virtual arsenal.
for completing a set of missions:
mobile HQ / mobile respawn
armed light APC
armed light helicopter
After completing two mission one vehicle will be spawned, starting with the MHQ. If one vehichle gets destoryed it will be respawned instead of spawning the next tiers vehicle. There won't be multiple iterations of the same vehicle. The reward vehicles can be found outside the base in the hangars. Also vehicles can be reapired in a service station in the main base.
Vanilla Systems
The missions uses various vanilla systems:
BIS tasks
BIS dynamic groups
BIS virtual arsenal
BIS respawn menu
Time Acceleration: the time is accelerated: 4h IRL = 24h in game. If you want to change this, there is a module placed in the mission.
Additional Scrips
And the mission uses some other scripts:
T8-Units Script
FAR Revive (but in my own 'flavour' with some of the later sqf improvments)
download data script (a bit updated version of my script)
I use the singleplayer mostly for debugging. There are also some keys preset to help with porting the mission to a new map.
You will need the following extension for SP debugging:
KillzoneKids MakeFile extension
KillzoneKids DebugConsole extension
F5: log current player position as 'town'
F6: log current player position as 'military base'
F7: log current player position as 'road' (direction of the player matters! look down the road)
F8: log current player position as 'compound' (use open, even space approx. 75m x 75m )
F9: exports the logged positions to a file with arma-config formating.
# SME.Gen - SmallMilitaryEncounter Generator
# A dynamic mission for ARMA3 that generates small military encounters.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Hauke Sven "T-800a" Fischbach
# full License:
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
When publishing a derivative of this product you may not use a name that
might create the impression that your version is an official release.
Some folders of this project may contain a seperate LICENSE file. Should
that be the case, everything in that folder and all subfolders is subject
to that license instead.