ok so quick guide it is:
We will create an addon. So you need Arma 3 tools (available on steam) to pack it as a pbo
For the following assume that every time you see myAddon in script and /or explanations you will replace it by your chosen addon name (including in paths and config reference) and when you see MyMod replace it by your mod name (it can be different)

step 1) create a folder named myAddon (hope you've read above ;-)
step 2) in this folder create a text file that you will rename config.cpp where .cpp is the file extension.
open it with a text editor and copypaste the following code: class CfgPatches { class myAddon{ units[] = {}; // weapons[] = {}; // requiredVersion = 0.1; // requiredAddons[] = {}; // }; }; class cfgFunctions { class HALs { class HALsCategory { tag = "HALs"; file = "\myAddon"; class limitThirdPerson { postInit =1; }; }; }; }; hope you've been paying attention to our renaming rule
step 3) in the same folder create a second textfile and rename it to;
it has to be EXACTLY that name.

step 4) in this file place the following code:
  if !(isServer) exitWith {}; // we are assuming that you want this to be a server only mod [[], { //copypaste your function here } ] remoteExec ["Call",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]; and copy your function where I commented to paste it. At this point it's worth mentioning that you should ask the author's permission to use it in your addon (MUST if you intend to distribute it.

step 5) Open arma 3 tools and launch addon builder, select the folder we have created and pack the addon to a pbo.

step 6) somewhere else create a folder named @MyMod the @ is mandatory unless you intend to upload it to steam workshop, which is not necessary since your addon is server only compatible.

step 7) in this folder create a mod.cpp
and fill it with this template code that you can edit:
  name = "TestMod"; picture = ""; actionName = "TestMod"; action = ""; logo = ""; logoOver = ""; tooltip = "TestMod"; tooltipOwned = "TestMod Owned"; overview = ""; author = ""; overviewPicture = ""; overviewText = ""; overviewFootnote = ""; step 8) create a meta.cpp (not absolutely sure that one is necessary but let's play it safe)
with this code inside
  protocol = 1; name = "myMod"; step 9) in your mod folder create two new subfolders named exactly:
(not sure the keys folder is mandatory either, it will remain empty unless you decide to sign your addon)

step 10)
move your myAddon.pbo to the addons folder.

step 11) congrats you're done! Use it as a server only addon!
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