Code snippet which I did for someone on these forums a while back. Should get you started. onMapSingleClick { _MHQs = [MHQ1, MHQ2, MHQ3] select {(_pos distance2D getPos _x < 25)}; if ((_MHQs isEqualTo [])) exitWith { hintSilent "Please select a MHQ to respawn at!"; }; selectedMHQ = _MHQs select 0; hintSilent format ["%1\n%2\n%3\n%4", selectedMHQ, (MHQ1 getVariable "teleportAvailable"), (MHQ2 getVariable "teleportAvailable"), (MHQ3 getVariable "teleportAvailable")]; if ((!isNull (uiNamespace getVariable "MHQDialog"))) then { if ((selectedMHQ getVariable "teleportAvailable")) then { ((uiNamespace getVariable "MHQDialog") displayCtrl 6666) ctrlEnable true; } else { ((uiNamespace getVariable "MHQDialog") displayCtrl 6666) ctrlEnable false; }; }; hintSilent format ["Selected MHQ: %1", (((str selectedMHQ) splitString "MHQ") select 0)]; ctrlMapAnimClear ((uiNamespace getVariable "MHQDialog") displayCtrl 6665); ((uiNamespace getVariable "MHQDialog") displayCtrl 6665) ctrlMapAnimAdd [1, 0.05, (getPos selectedMHQ)]; ctrlMapAnimCommit ((uiNamespace getVariable "MHQDialog") displayCtrl 6665); ((uiNamespace getVariable "MHQDialog") displayCtrl 6666) ctrlAddEventHandler ["ButtonClick", { selectedMHQ spawn { if ((speed _this isEqualTo 0) && (alive _this)) then { closeDialog 0; cutText ["Teleporting...", "BLACK OUT"]; sleep 5; player setPos [(getPos _this select 0), ((getPos _this select 1) - 8), (getPos _this select 2)]; cutText [format ["You have respawned at MHQ #%1", (((str _this) splitString "MHQ") select 0)], "PLAIN"]; onMapSingleClick ""; } else { hintSilent "Teleport currently unavailable."; }; }; }]; };   EDIT: Example mission download and original thread.   EDIT 2: To open UI, put this in debug: createDialog "MHQDialog"; As for the markers spinning, etc. Just add a loop which rotates them. UI was done by: @Moon_chilD   EDIT 3: Markers now rotate when the vehicle isn't moving, An "!" icon is shown in red (doesn't rotate) when the vehicle is moving. See code below for changes. Download version not updated. [] spawn { while {(true)} do { { _mkr = format ["%1mark", (str _x)]; _mkr setMarkerPos (getPos _x); if ((!alive _x) || (speed _x > 0)) then { _mkr setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _mkr setMarkerType "mil_warning"; _mkr setMarkerDir 0; _x setVariable ["teleportAvailable", false, true]; } else { _mkr setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; _mkr setMarkerType "mil_flag"; _x setVariable ["teleportAvailable", true, true]; _mkr setMarkerDir (markerDir _mkr) + 90; }; } forEach [MHQ1, MHQ2, MHQ3]; sleep 0.5; }; }; @jts_2009
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