You can test:
  [ somePosition, someRadius] spawn { _models = ("(gettext (_x >> 'destrType') == 'DestructNo') && {!(['ruins', configname _x] call Bis_fnc_inString )}" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgVehicles")) apply {(getText (_x >> "model") splitString "\")}; _models apply {reverse _x}; _models = _models apply { toLower (_x select 0)}; { if ((getModelInfo _x) select 0 in _models) then { _x hideObjectGlobal true } else { _x setDammage 1 } } forEach (nearestTerrainObjects [ (_this select 0),[],(_this select 1)]) };   What you can't do with script : - make a ruin if the ruin model (p3d) doesn't exist; - change the ruin's model for something more realistic. Some Tanoa ruins are just looking like buildings with broken glasses...
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