There is no difficulty, overriding what the engine scores: Just for info because BI documentation is not updated.   You can use the MP event handler MPkilled. As any killed is civilian, you need to check the side of the victim before he dies: {_x setVariable ["oldSide",side _x]} forEach allUnits; // in a loop if you spawn units.   then, for example: player addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", { params ["_victim","_killer"]; if (!isplayer _killer or _victim == _killer) exitWith {}; if (_victim getVariable "oldSide" == west) exitWith { [_killer,{_this addRating -3000}] remoteExec ["call",_killer]; parseText "<t color = '#ff9900'>You just killed a friendly unit!<br/>Cease blue on blue.<t/>" remoteExec ["hintsilent",_killer]; }; if (_victim getVariable "oldSide" == civilian) exitWith { [_killer,{_this addRating -1000}] remoteExec ["call",_killer]; parseText "<t color = '#ffff00'>You just killed an innocent!<br/>Cease firing at unarmed civilians.<t/>" remoteExec ["hintsilent",_killer]; }; }];  
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