@Darkhound7 @theedge|jinx I don't know the script, but if you say the infantry unit just has to call AIS_System_fnc_loadAIS you have to do this:   \scripts\client\build\do_build.sqf At line 50 is the single infantry build. edit the createunit to: _classname createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]; [this] call AIS_System_fnc_loadAIS;", 0.5, "private"];   At line 62 is the squad built. Edit the if there to this: if (_classname isEqualTo blufor_squad_para) then { _x createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]; removeBackpackGlobal this; this addBackpackGlobal ""B_parachute""; [this] call AIS_System_fnc_loadAIS;", 0.5, _unitrank]; } else { _x createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]; [this] call AIS_System_fnc_loadAIS;", 0.5, _unitrank]; };   \scripts\server\game\save_manager.sqf line 421 you see the load of the saved ai groups. edit the createunit to: (_nextunit select 0) createUnit [ _nextpos, _grp, 'this addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this spawn kill_manager}]; [this] call AIS_System_fnc_loadAIS;']; As I don't know the script you want to use, I can't guarantee that this will do what the script needs. But if you want to apply a function etc. to a built or loaded infantry units, these are the places.
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