Hi all, I wrote a script to make BI supports available when RTO is on backpack, only. You want a unit able to call support when grabbing any kind of unsung radio backpack (+TFAR), and loose this capacity when dropping it, and important behavior so hard to do: repeatable? here it is:   Important! : name your modules requester (here req), (virtual or real support providers, here cas1, arty1, drop1). Important too: sync all modules as usual, except between unit (caller) and requester. This link is added/removed by script.   in init.sqf:
  MGI_radios = ["UNS_alice_FR","UNS_USMC_RTO","UNS_USMC_RTO2","UNS_ARMY_RTO","UNS_ARMY_RTO2","UNS_SF_RTO"]; MGI_fnc_radioSupport = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "MGI_fnc_radioSupport.sqf"; player spawn MGI_fnc_radioSupport; // the code for RTO player addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn",{(_this select 0) spawn MGI_fnc_radioSupport}]; // for respawn loop addMissionEventHandler ["teamSwitch", { // like for tasks, but in this case, SP team switch is one of the toughest thing to make it work! to be tested deeper... params ["_ancient","_newbie"]; [req,_ancient] call BIS_fnc_removeSupportLink; _newbie spawn MGI_fnc_radioSupport; BIS_requesterFSM = nil; [req] execVM "A3\modules_f\supports\init_requester.sqf"; [drop1] execVM "A3\modules_f\supports\init_provider_virtual.sqf"; [cas1] execVM "A3\modules_f\supports\init_provider_virtual.sqf"; [arty1] execVM "A3\modules_f\supports\init_provider_virtual.sqf"; call BIS_SUPP_refreshMainWindow; }];   MGI_fnc_radioSupport.sqf
  _plyr = _this; _plyr spawn { _unit = _this; while {alive _unit} do { waituntil {sleep 2; (backpack _unit in MGI_radios or (backpack _unit) isKindOf "TFAR_bag_base")}; // TFAR_bag_base is case of TFAR mod present [_unit,req,cas1] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; [_unit,req,drop1] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; [_unit,req,arty1] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; waituntil {sleep 2; (!(backpack _unit in MGI_radios) && !((backpack _unit) isKindOf "TFAR_bag_base"))}; [req,_unit] call BIS_fnc_removeSupportLink; }; };  
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