Sorry for reviving a very old thread but...

For any of those looking to create a "data base" For saving the variables of this mod you can use playernamespace save to accomplish such.

  sleep 5; [] execVM "persistency db\savedb.sqf"; private ["_player"]; _player =_this select 0; waitUntil {!isNull _player}; //Heroes Survive persistentcy system: //Hunger if (isnil {profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_Hunger"}) then { profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_Hunger", 100]; }; _profile = (profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_Hunger"); Her_L_Hunger = _profile; //thirst if (isnil {profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_Thirst"}) then { profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_Thirst", 100]; }; _profile = (profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_Thirst"); Her_L_Thirst = _profile; //Temperature if (isnil {profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_BodyTemp"}) then { profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_BodyTemp", 37]; }; _profile = (profileNamespace getVariable "Her_L_BodyTemp"); Her_L_BodyTemp = _profile;   (optional) create a folder named "Persistency db" and place these two scripts inside of it.

  //Persistent Values: _Hunger = Her_L_Hunger; profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_Hunger", _Hunger]; sleep 0.1; _Thirst = Her_L_Thirst; profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_Thirst", _Thirst]; sleep 0.1; _TemperatureH = Her_L_BodyTemp; profileNamespace setVariable ["Her_L_BodyTemp", _TemperatureH]; savedb.sqf:   [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull(findDisplay 46)}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { if(_this select 1 == 1) //ESC key then { [] execVM "Persistency db\autosave.sqf"; }; }]; };   keep in mind this system saved upon ESC key being pressed, so if a player is leaving your server or session once they press "ESC" it should save these vars. Also, you should keep the sleeper because HS on scenario start / load it enforced starting parameters and can overwrite the playernamespace save.

Thanks to @Sgt Bombadil and @pierriMGi for the help.
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