The "new driving stuff" is just the PIDs. Set useAISteeringComponent to false or delete the component class iirc (inherited all the way from Car_F base class) and you're back to the "old driving". But there are many other things that can influence or be the cause of AI driving issues (see at the bottom).

The oscillations around the ideal path have been always around in Arma 3 and were usually "caused" by a strong (good enough) braking power. In the "old driving" we simply solved it by making the brakes deliberately weak(er).
In the "new driving" one should be able to tune the AI driving (PID controllers) well together with any vehicle steering, accelerating or braking capabilities. Even with some driving style (casual, racing) in mind. At least in theory. In the old driving the AI posed strict limits to what one could do with the configuration of the vehicle handling.

I can't ask you to "fix it for us" but I'd still humbly ask anyone to try setting up the PIDs themselves (info in the first thread post). If you find values that give better results please share them with us and we'll be more than happy to adjust the configs.

Otherwise, from top of my head - in Tanks and in the previous patch - there have been several changes which may have had some impact on the AI driving * PhysX lib update * Switch from raycast to sweep queries and wheel colliders
* Adjusted surface frictions (generally lowered)
* Small changes to AIpathOffsets on roads
* Various AI driving fixes * And for Hatchback specifically also a complete overhaul (that's why the blame;)) of it's PhysX configuration. Other overhauled vehicles were the tracked ones, the kart, Hatchback, Zamak and also wheeled APCs to a degree. Using e.g. Hunter for testing would rule out these overhauls as a possible cause.
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