The beauty of Pilgrimage is its effective combination of soldiering sim, orienteering adventure and detective mystery.
PCGamer's "Mod of the Week"
Alex, freelance PMC, is looking for the body of his brother, recently died on Altis during search of something very dangerous hid by their father. Island is in chaos after civil war, is terrorised by numerous bands of unleashed mercs and other marauders. Even worse, Alex knows only, that his brother fell at one of so numerous chapels or churches. It may be long, risky journey...
Pilgrimage is free roam, semi-randomized open whole map SP mission with optional plot to follow set on Altis.
I basically combined several well or not so well known ideas, few scripts etc into kind of semi-procedural mission adjusted for my personal taste and use. Should be liked in the first place by "lone wolves" who appreciate freedom of choice, yet want to be motivated by some certain goal and act for a reason.
This mission is highly customizable.
Gameplay dynamics is, depending on settings not very high, there are long intervals of calm journey across whole island separated by fights of various density if player choose to fight or is surprized by enemy. One gameplay may took many hours. It is designed as mod-friendly and should work fine with most FX, AI and immersion enhancers.
Cool showcase by HazBo - Thanks!
Mission Guides etc
Leadminer21 aka alky_lee, an experienced pilgrim, prepared great compilation of useful informations, observations and advices about Pilgrimage gameplay. This invaluable source of knowledge is a must read for all new on the pilgrims' pathway:
Excellent playthrough by BeachAV8R:
Pilgrimage - AAR vol. 1
Pilgrimage - AAR vol. 2
Great youtube playthroughs for various mission versions (links to the first parts, follow the links provided there to continue watching):
by Scott of Royal Gamers UK, first run
by Scott of Royal Gamers UK, second run
by leadminer21
by leadminer21, with mods
by Starfish
by llegostackr
by Titus Groan, 1st (RIP)
by Titus Groan, 2nd (RIP)
by Carl Meyer
Thanks to all! 🙂
My own playthrough with some features and specifics explained
Altis, Bornholm, Chernarus, Lingor:
Dropbox via Orangedox (1.951)
Dropbox via Orangedox (1.951 open Altis) - open folder
MANW contest edition
Big thanks to all, who voted and supported my work! 🙂
To Do
It is my own "dev branch". Here I'll try to update the file on an ongoing basis each time, I find and fix any bug, so impatient may use it instead wait for the fix in the next official version. Please, play without -noLogs startup parameter, and provide me RPT file (path to the folder like: C:\Users\Rydygier\AppData\Local\Arma 3), if any issue encountered.
latest fixes:
- content from DLC, player doesn't own, shouldn't be spawned as loot, vehicles or AI units;
- redone inspecting vehicle (each part treated separatelly insted of damage/setDamage approach, no FF taken, if inspecting not possible, for example no toolkit and difficulty at least Very Hard and fuel 100%);
- updated credits;
- significantly more doctors and mechanics, better chance for a doctor, than mechanic;
- body has to be actually spotted before loading action available;
- "NW" tooltip correction;
- main settings track for Chernarus port a bit louder;
- no more error message about lacking windMedium sound at the intro begin;
- added green exclamation mark 3D icon to indicate recruitable POWs positions;
- improved setting initial direction of the boat;
- blue-3D marked civilians offering special services will not loose their icons after asking them for the intel;
- Stuff sellers.
Unofficial editions
Download links to Pilgrimage custom versions/ports made by other people will be put/updated there if requested. In matters of these editions, please, contact their authors.
a2012v's edition (v2016-08-05):
Vafana's editions (v2016-08-22):
rsoftokz's Tanoa edition thread
Pilgrimage - Ported - ports compilation thread
- Arma 3
- whole map reasonably yet dynamically each play initially populated with enemy garrisons and patrols with few possible behavioral patterns. Nothing is spawned later, every kill counts and has meaning;
- dynamical adding of random loot to some buildings. Such buildings are, until checked, marked by 3D icon if player close enough;
- cameral plot with some small, nasty surprise;
- across whole island may be found few dozens of empty vehicles ready to use. If known to player, for easier spotting, also marked by 3D icons if close enough;
- context-sensitive jukebox playing with reasonable intervals A3's tracks depending on situation (safe/enemy spotted by player/player spotted by enemy);
- simple caching system to keep performance on decent level despite many groups on map;
- fuel fund used for fast travelling and repairing or refueling player's vehicle;
- kept as high as possible compatibility with mods.
Recommended addons
- Bigger Trunk addon (experimental);
- INCOGNITO addon (alpha7: experimental) - Description;
- some custom factions/weaponry addons for bigger variety of opposition and loot (African Conflict, CAF Aggressors...);
- unlocked uniforms;
- Dynamic weather (with init delayed by 30 minutes - In tort_DynamicWeather_config.hpp set "delaySeconds" to -1800 before starting Pilgrimage.);
- any preferred low level AI enhancers (bCombat, ASR AI...);
- any preferred sound and graphical FX enhancers (JSRS, Blastcore...).
Credits & Thanks
- zapat for code, that inspired some improvements of my garrisoning functions;
- torskee and Law-Giver for language corrections and some new phrases for Alex;
- Leadminer21 aka alky_lee for mission guide pdf.
Known issues
- some mods may cause "no sound at init" issue, often with on screen config errors. In such case troublemaking mod should be found and disabled, then mission restarted without it. Alternatively issue may be "wait out" (should disappear after some time);
- since A3 v1.32 was observed sometimes minor issue with not visible "yellow actions" like "sell content" action for the boxes. Usually is enough to approach the box/other object again, otherwise save/load may be suggested. In some cases, if you play with AI companion, may be worthy of checking, if he could perform unavailable action for you via 0-6 order menu;
- due to interaction of fast travel and caching system in rare situations may occur enemy units appearance "out of thin air" before player's eyes if hostiles was cached near target position.
Tricks and advices
- If you got green mark and message about finding the body, it is most likely not farther than 50 meters from you and you had not obstructed LOS towards the body position. If finding brother's body seems too difficult, you may temporary set Terrain Details in video settings to "LOW" to remove grass etc. To load the body bring your vehicle not farther than 10 meters from it and use load action at body. Then guard this vehicle well until reach the boat.
- to enable unlimited saves: CONFIGURE -> GAME -> DIFFICULTY and enable "unlimited saves";
- to get a few more FPS, if you not loaded any saved game yet, try to save then load this save. For me it gives noticeable improvement;
- game crashes (CTDs) during the mission may have various causes, but some of them, especially those happening at init, eg during loading screen, also probably some weird errors with vanilla config breaking loading screen may be fixed by allowing more RAM for Arma 3 (seems, Pilgrimage needs lots of it during initialization due to lots of things to set). This may be done via -maxmem startup parameter, eg -maxmem=6144 if you have at least 8 GB of RAM or even -maxMem=8192 for 16 GB of RAM. Lower value may be sufficient though, not tested. Should be higher, than 2047. In the Arma's own game launcher this parameter may be set in parameters -> advanced. Same trick may help to reduce greatly initial lag, making initialization much smoother;