Chapel/church markers visible all the time are disabled for Hard and above, not sure, why, to be honest, but IIRC quite long time is that way. If I'm not mission anything, I probably could restore them for all difficulty, as it doesn't change much, since there are also map's own markers for chapels/churches... on Altis at least. Easy to change BTW. JRInit.sqf: if (RYD_JR_Difficulty < 2) then { _alpha = 1; _color = "ColorBlack"; _size = [0.85,0.85]; _type = "loc_Chapel"; }; change to < 5 (or higher).   Adjusting their positions is part of the porting process so if ordinary house is marked, it may be either on purpose or mistake, depends on port author. Prosess of obtaining positions may be easily automated with code like this: _list = position player nearObjects ["Church",20000]; _pos = []; { _pos set [(count _pos),getPosATL _x]; _i = "HMark_" + (str _x); _i = createMarker [_i,_x]; _i setMarkerColor "colorRed"; _i setMarkerShape "ICON"; _i setMarkerType "mil_dot"; _i setMarkerSize [0.45,0.45]; _i setmarkerText (str (getPosATL _x)); diag_log format ["%1",getPosATL _x]; player sidechat format ["%1",getPosATL _x] } foreach _list; hint format ["done: %1",count _list]; One just have to remember to adjust player's position and search radius to cover whole map. Also the class of the buildings category may be changed, if needed (eg for Bornholm was needed comm towers classes). Result is given into RPT file. 
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