Our server community was missing the possibility to rest our weapons and improve our shooting stability, so while waiting for BIS to implement it or ACE to be release, I cooked this and feeling sharing it :
-Resting your weapon reduce the recoil of your muzzle and the sway of your aim.
-It does work with every weapons (even future addons one).
-You can rest the weapon on windows frames, top and on corners of objects.
-You can also rest your weapon on a crouched partner.
The default keys to rest your weapon is : Space + Ctrl.
Installation :
-Extract both folder into your Arma 3 installation.
-Launch arma with the shortcut -mod=@VTS_weaponresting
-(Optional) Edit userconfig/vts_weaponresting/vts_weaponresting_config.hpp to change the shortcut
release 05:
-Removed CBA requirement
-Addon now compatible with singleplayer save & reload
release 04:
-Resting weapon now also decrease aiming sway
Release 03:
-Resting your weapon now allow you estimate the direction & force of the wind.
-Fixed BI key (really!)
Release 02:
-Fixed BI key (now using V2)
-Added an audio feedback when resting the weapon
Release 01:
-Initiale release
Available Release 05 here
Mirror (check version):