I'm having issues with certain re-textured weapons using them on Dev. I have created a series of black versions of the older ARMA 3 vanilla weapons from The MK20 family, TRG20/TRG21 family ,the MK18 and P07 pistol, primarily teaching myself texturing and config. The mod was working nicely last time I edited it (Early Jan) but booting it up today on Dev I find that none of the weapons appear in the arsenal unless I have them saved in an Arsenal loadout.   Looking back through the last few weeks of changelog I found this from 2 February 2017:   Following the link to the forum post from das attorney he states that the weapons are missing their "baseWeapon" config attribute and applies to almost exactly the weapons I have been editing. Could someone help enlighten me as to what is going on with this... If it worked previously then why not now and what, if anything, needs to be changed? I checked back through most of the modding resources I used to create my mod files, checked to see if there were any addendum to Arma_3_Weapon_Config_Guidelines but there appears to be nothing. Did something change in the prescribed weapons config that will require me to update. I realize this topic could be considered Editing, but as it seems to be a Dev branch related issue, I though it best to post here. Mods obviously shift at your discretion.   Thanks E