Make sure to use the new version called Buldozer Tools     Improved editor.sqs   This is an Improved version of the editor.sqs which can be used to execute code within buldozer. You can load and reload roads.shp while being in buldozer, additionaly it removes rain and sets the time to midday. This means, no more buldozer restarting for road adjustments and for the addicts no more rain and night.   The key to execute the script is * on the NUMPAD, you can change the DIK in the script by editing the key variable.   1. Paste the code in your P:\scripts\editor.sqs 2. Make sure to set your path to your roads directory correctly 3. Make sure your road files are in the respective directory 4. Load up your buldozer and wait until you see your map 5. Press * [NUM], the reload should be quick but can get longer with extremely big and complex road networks   P:\scripts\editor.sqs ; editor.sqs by Lappihuan and Sumrak ; due to sqs syntax the single line must be kept! ; key to execute the script is * [NUM] ; roadpath: is the path to your roads directory in your project. ; dateArray: ; key: roadpath = "P:/mytag/mymap/data/roads/"; dateArray = [2001, 06, 22, 12, 0]; key = 55; _bulKeybinds = [] spawn {keyBind = (findDisplay -1) displayAddEventHandler['KeyDown','if(_this select 1 == key)then{result = buldozer_LoadNewRoads roadpath;setDate dateArray;0 setRain 0;0 setOvercast 0;}']}; You are free to use and edit this script how you like.
If you have any bugs, suggestions or improvements please post them here.
If you have or are about to make a tutorial, feel free to include the script in the source data.   Thanks to Sumrak for pointing me out that display event handlers work in buldozer and providing a example code.   I'm happy to see what you guys can come up with.

Kind regards,