SP & MP Compatible. Full replacement for high command.
When this addon is enabled, you will be given control of all groups on your side when looking at the map. This can be configured using editor-based modules (similar to high command). See below for install directions.
Control AI groups via the map. Provides intuitive interface for commanders.
Supports multiple commanders in multiplayer. All commanders can see in real-time as waypoints are moved.
Assign/unassign vehicles to an AI group using the map.
Land & set fly in height for planes / helicopters
Waypoints can be moved around via dragging. They can be deleted using the delete key.
Supports remote controlling of AI group leaders (for groups without vehicles). Press delete to exit remote control.
Subscrive via steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=685037021 or dowload latest release fromhttps://github.com/sethduda/AIC/releases
If installing this on a server, add the addon to the -mod command line option. By default, all players will be given control of all groups on their side. You can change this using editor modules. See below.
Optionally, configure setup using Advanced AI Command "Groups" and "Commanders" editor modules in the Misc category. See below of examples configurations.
Example Module Configurations (Optional):
Setup 1: Give all playable units full control over all groups on their side
No additional configuration needed.
Setup 2: Give specific playable units full control over all groups on their side
In this example, two playable units will have full control over all groups on their side. The 3rd playable unit won't have any command controls.
Setup 3: Give specific playable units control over specific groups
In this example, two playable units will have control over two groups. The 3rd playable unit won't have any command controls.
Setup 4: Give specific playable units control over specific groups (Advanced)
This is an advanced example giving multiple players (different sides) control over specific groups.
Issues & Feature Requests
If anyone wants to help fix any of these, please let me know. You can fork the repo and create a pull request.
Special Thanks for Testing & Support:
Stay Alive Tactical Team (http://sa.clanservers.com)
Here's an in-depth overview of all features of AIC: