Supremacy Framework
Latest Release: 0.6.0 (changelog) - September 2nd 2016

I wanted to learn more about how ARMA 3 modding worked, and there is really no better way than "code to learn". Everything is coded from the ground up, except for the below mentioned 3rd party scripts.   Reddit I have made a sub reddit since that might be more useful for a lot of people: r/ArmaSupremacy.   Features World loot spawns World vehicle spawns World stationery spawns Dynamic Groups Player spawn/respawn (cities, random, world) Timed, random placement, airdrops Equipment Shops Vehicle Shops Clothes Shops Simple HUD (fps, health and money) Persistent player data (MySQL) Loot spawn in buildings and world loot spawn (vehicles, crates and stationary) Skill & Experience system Revival, heal, repair and other skills. Air drop events Ammo repacking Timed Rewards Maps Altis Tanoa Usage/Installation
It uses strictly "vanilla" (including expansions) content. No client-side mods required. Upload the content of the "Dist" folder to your ARMA 3 dedicated server root (where the arma3server.exe file is). Edit the "LaunchServer.bat" files launch parameters to suit your needs. Edit the "@extDB2\extdb-conf.ini" file, adding your database connection details. Import the "@extDB2\spmc_server.sql" to your database. Import any "spmc_server - x.x.x to x.x.X update.sql" files in the correct order (by version). Run the "LaunchServer.bat" file. You can modify the "\Source\supremacy_server\compile\core\config.sqf" to make changes to a lot of the elements in the framework.
There is no wiki yet, but I hope to get working on that soon.

Using This Framework or some of it's Code?
If you do not mind, please let me know! I would love to see what others have made using this framework or some of it's code!

Code released under CC BY-NC 3.0 License.
To read the human-readable summary of the CC BY-NC 3.0 License, click here.

The license does NOT apply to or included any of the 3rd party material (sounds, code, icons etc). All 3rd party material can be found in the "\3rdparty" directory in the client and server source code.

I did not create or own any of the 3rd party material. Please see their credits below and in their files were applicable.
Arma Server Monetization
You have permission to use this framework on a monetised arma server(s).
IMPORTANT NOTE: This does NOT apply to any of the 3rd party material (sounds, code, icons etc). All 3rd party material can be found in the "\3rdparty" directory in the client and server source code.

3rd Party Credits
A big thanks to the following people for their scripts, icons, sounds and extensions which are required to make the SPMC framework tick.
A special thanks to Kilzone_Kid and Tonic for inspiration and code/resources which I have learn a lot from by reading.

Code Killzone_Kid for the Original Airdrop script. Shuko for SHK_pos. Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine for the original async extDB2 script. Karel Moricky for the "numberToText" function. HallyG for the original progress bar script. Extensions Torndeco for ExtDB3. Testing Hallreaver for helping me test all the things! Sounds pierrecartoons1979 for the "purchase" sound. escortmarius for the "purchase_click" sound. qubodup for the original "error" sound. GameAudio for the original "sold_item" sound. Gitietor for the original "skill_learned" sound. EdEditz for the original "reward" sound. Icons Paomedia for the "money" icon. Linh Pham Thi Dieu for the "fps" icon. Visual Pharmfor the "health" icon. Download
You can grap the source code and latest release here: