(Co30) Evolution-A3 https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8865327/7921364/f944fe48-0872-11e5-8b42-c73af9b3b615.jpg (932 kB)

Evolution-A3 is a remake of the popular Armed Assault (ArmA) mission, Evolution Blue by KilJoy. Evolution-A3 features all of the original gameplay mechanics, either in their original form, redesigned by myself, or with similar community content replacing the functionality of the original outdated code.

Features All features can be disabled/enabled via mission parameters. AI units can be recruited via bon_recruit_units at the staging base via action menu, and airdropped in the field via BI's communication menu. Dynamic view distance settings with CHVD can be set via action menu in the staging base. HALO insertions using ATM_airdrop via action menu in the staging base. Player loadout saved to user profile and modified via BI's Virtual Arsenal. The original Evolution sounds! BI's dynamic groups interface can be used via action menu at the staging base or at anytime by pressing 'U'. Meatball's randomWeather2 generates random, MP-sync'd weather throughout the game. Quiksilver's cleanup and BI's wreck and corpse management keeps the mission running smooth throughout the entire game. Overall unit management moved to UPSMON with minor script modifications. CHHQ provides a mobile HQ transport option. Headless Client implementation automatically detects and offloads AI to your HC. Player Persistence keeps players at their last known locations with their last known loadout in the event of a disconnect and rejoin of the same session. Pilot loadout requirements enforced to fly aircraft, includes auto-switching of loadout if you're in the base. Modular sidemissions that provide bonus points to all players, and extra bonus points to the players responsible for completing the task, including: CSAR, Defend, Attack, Defend the Base, Ambush, and attack AAA. Officer Capturing in every area of operation for bonus points! OPFOR support assets may be available at the AO including mortar, anti-air, CAS, and sniper support. Build structures in the field using R3F Logistics. All powered by vanilla ArmA 3 content. The overall goal of this project is to bring Evolution Blue up to ArmA 3 standards while preserving as much original gameplay as possible. Minor additions such as Revive and Support Assets that delineate from the original concept should be added with optional parameters.

Current Version
  Sahrani Class Version Altis Version
Collaborate or download on GitHub.


Evolution-A3 uses no mods and is 100% Vanilla ArmA 3.
The Sahrani version uses the Community Upgrade Project.   RE: Submitting Bugs