*UPDATE - 22.10.2015 (or: 10/22/15)* Okay, finaly i found some time, to make a Standalone Version of that wobblewobblething (aka Truck and Trailer):   1st of all: Keep in mind, that the Truck and Trailer are just a Test-Objects! There are Textures missing, Wheels are not 100% perfect, etc. blabla. But for most of you guys, it should be enough to play around with and get the Idea, how it works and what i did. Sadly, the Ropes still don't react as wished (Bungeeeeeeeeeeeee). +Also: with the following, they react different (better) cursorTarget setMass ((getMass cursorTarget)*2) Download directly from the Distrikt41-DL Server Download: packed Addon + bisign + Key AND, since i am a friend of "Share your Knowledge", take that: Download: Truck + Trailer MLOD Do what you wan't with the MLODs, just be so kind and leave the Names in it ;) Oh, just for Info: When it comes to Donation BS: I don't want my Scripts/Models on any Server with a Donationsystem on it! + Greetz Dscha   Alternative Download Links: Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.   Truck and Trailer - Standalone v0.1 beta & P.S. The get the Container onTop: cursortarget animate ["HideCargo",-1];-1 = show 0 = hide (Don't ask me, why i used -1. I like to confuse ppl :))     To get the HEMTT Detach Option on a HEMTT add this, to the Player Init in the  missions*: this addAction ["Detach Trailer",{ {ropeDestroy (ropes cursorTarget select 0)}forEach(ropes cursorTarget); },"",1000,true,true,"","(count(ropeAttachedObjects cursorTarget) != 0)"];Or (when a HEMTT Mover is placed on the Map) simply add it to an existing HEMTT     this addAction ["Detach Trailer",{ {ropeDestroy (ropes this select 0)}forEach(ropes this); },"",1000,true,true,"","(count(ropeAttachedObjects this) != 0)"];  ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- OLD STUFF BELOW! BRACE YOURSELF! ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ##### Please support the Ticket to set the min. length of ropes to 0.1 (current 0.5). so it's hopefully a chance to get the Trailer, at least a bit, working) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=22861 ##### First of all: - Yeah, it looks crappy. - Yeah, the wheels don't move. - Yeah, there are ropes. - Yeah, it looks crappy. - Yeah, it's just a test. - Yeah, i was bored. - It's mainly for testing around TEST #1 Since the fabulous autoparkingbreak, its almost unasable to tow Vehicles with others (might know as good as everyone). Any other Ideas, how it can be done? Current state: - Trailer is an ordinary Object - Weight definition inside the Model is highly important (heaviest point at the lowest rear point (150) - rest is almost everywhere 1-10) - Since it's an object: Wheels dont move (getSpeed -> anim a wheel? meh...) @BIS Is there anything planed, to finaly impliment the Pivot Points? I mean, its already implimented in VBS2 (since about 5-6-7-xxx Years?). Time: 3:39 I just remembered, when we talked while playing on Nogova about walking/shooting from Vehicles, that is was already inserted in VBS1, then, about 10 Years later, it finaly came. Could it be the same with Attaching Vehicles (2020 then)? So long TEST #2 Looks way better, but still... the ropes -.- (+ Wheels moving) TEST #3 (AI Compability) Looks fine to me. (except that bungee-behavior ) TEST #4 (New Model/Weights) + Reverse From Closed Beta Video from MultiSasch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIm6SurxjVw     Latest Test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wou9tu7h-Gw