Latest version of IgiLoad is now 0.9.10_RC_e (2014.10.16) Fixes related with Arma 3 v1.32

Link to a page where you can download IgiLoad is at the bottom of this post


The main task for IgiLoad script is to allow delivery of supplies to units away from base. In short, transport boxes with ammunition, weapons, or anything else (what you put in the box) using vehicles.

Main features:
The script is "installed" only on the server side. Ability to set many parameters of script. Transporting crates with: ammunition, grenades, ammunition for vehicles and much more. ATVs, rubber boats and SDVs can be transported by truck. In addition to trucks you can use CH-49 Mohawk. ATVs can be transported by CH-49 Mohawk. Cargo transported by CH-49 Mohawk can be parachuted. CH-49 Mohawk has a usable ramp.
Overview of functions and using:

Really good introduction has been published on TheSwissMAVERICK channel.


After downloading extract the content of archive and move the folder IgiLoad to the mission root directory. Make sure that the path does not contain IgiLoad directory in the directory with the same name. The path should look like this <mission directory>\IgiLoad\IgiLoad.sqf In mission init.sqf file add the line of code: 0 = execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf"; If you do not have init.sqf file you can use the file from the archive. Before starting the mission, make sure you do not run IgiLoad script in the fields INITIALIZATION of vehicles or from another script.


DaSkunk - It was he who planted the seed in my head with the idea to creat IgiLoad script.
1PARA community - The whole community really supported me and cheered while creating of IgiLoad script. Devote their time to test and diagnose problems.

Sample mission

In download section is available mission that demonstrates the use of IgiLoad with triggers and how to load cargo at the beginning of the mission using a script.

Detailed description and download:


Make Arma Not War:
IgiLoad‬ ‪is in ‎Make Arma Not War‬ contest

Changelog v0.9.10_RC_e:
Entire changelog is in the archive containing IgiLoad.

Fix: "assignedVehicleRole" do not work with "Cargo" - change to "cargo".
Fix: "animate" do not work with CH-49 Mohawk - change to "animatedoor".