= Updates =
* Integrated Durg's vegetation view LODs. Thanks to T_D for
 the o2 script and Durg for the permission!
* Added another version with no lowplants applied. So shaders
 still active on the vegetation.
* Added BIsign and key file for each version.
* Attached MLOD package as the permission of BI requires it.
 Please read careful the notes regarding using them.
= Credits =
Przemek_kondor to use his beautiful Autumn plants textures!
Durg for the view LOD modifications in Durg's (AI View) Vegetation Fix.
Sy and T_D for the help with the o2 scripts!
T_D for the view LOD copy o2 script!
kegetys for lowplants software to remove the shaders on the plants.
BI for the MLODs.
= Features =
1. Przemek kondor beautiful Autumn plants
2. AI view is blocked by the tree/bush object (better)
Check Durg's (AI View) Vegetation Fix thread for details and screens.
3. Ability to hide in bushes
(by removing all geometry points)
4. To run over trees without resistance with the heavy tanks
(by setting overall geometry mass to 200)
(unfortunately no 'groan' sound event possible like in OFP)
That makes mowing down loads of trees again.
Speed reduction still applied for smaller vehicles.
ACE Island Pack will feature separate tree models for the forest
that will slow down even heavy armor.
5. Ugly white / bright shader (OLD / GONE) removed by kegyets lowplants software.
= Q&A =
Q: o2 scripts.
A: o2scripts @ OFPEC Forum
Q: Will there be updates.
A1: Based on your feedback tweaks to tree mass.
A2: Based on your feedback tiny point in the geometry for each
bush to be able to level them down again.
A3: Yes. Another version with the highpoly 1st (and 2nd) LOD removed.
= Download =
Thanks for the mirrors!
armaholic mirror
PROPER_plants_autumn_textures_with_lowplants_2008_12_06.7z (123 MB)
or if you want to keep the vegetation shaders:
PROPER_plants_autumn_textures_2008_12_06.7z (123 MB)
Contains bisign and public key.
Standard Arma texture versions:
PROPER_plants_standard_textures_with_lowplants_2008_12_06.7z (145 MB)
or if you want to keep the vegetation shaders:
PROPER_plants_standard_textures_2008_12_06.7z (145 MB)
DO NOT COPY IN Â .\ArmA\addons!
Instead put it into .\ArmA\@PROPER\addons.
= MLOD download =
Only the p3d.
Get the Rvmat and textures from the release files.
PROPER_plants_MLOD.7z ( 6 MB)
Please respect the permission/credits by Przemek kondor on
the textures and by Durg for the p3d's view LOD!
Contact them yourself, if you want to use their work.